The Ins and Outs of Municipal Engineering

Buildings designed for municipal engineering projects serve a wide range of purposes. Some, such as wastewater treatment or salt storage facilities, are purely practical. Others, such as sports and recreation centers, equestrian arenas, and aviation hangars can vary considerably in size and functional requirements, especially since their users are members of the public.
To meet engineering and usage specifications within budget, you have to choose the best-fit type of building for your application. Durability and long-term performance are always top priorities, but sometimes time is of the essence. In every case, shortening the time from vision to completion saves money and gets your building open for business sooner.
At Legacy Building Solutions, we have a long track record of working with state and municipal engineers to build successful structures. We tackle each project on a case-by-case basis–not only because every building is different but because every building created by Legacy is always custom-designed.
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment plants all serve the same essential purpose, but they can vary tremendously in size and complexity, depending on the size of the population served.
The Regional Water Resource Agency serves all residents and businesses in Daviess County, Kentucky. For the UV disinfection facility at their water treatment plant, providing coverage for the tanks was critical because sunlight exposure causes algae growth. They turned to Legacy Building Solutions, and here’s the result.
Composting Facilities
Communities with very large populations produce a lot of waste. In many areas, hurricanes and other natural disasters wipe out trees and shrubs, creating large volumes of debris that has to go somewhere.
In the past, landfills gathered and buried waste together, all in one place. However, landfills have limited capacity. With the dwindling availability of appropriate new parcels plus significant development challenges and costs associated with landfills, communities now maximize space by diverting compostable debris to separate facilities.
However, composting facilities present challenges of their own. Notably, they have a very large footprint and they can produce unpleasant odors. In areas with high population density, Legacy’s clear-span tension fabric buildings are uniquely suited to address these needs. We helped Hillsborough County, Florida, develop an enormous 139,750-square-foot facility, as seen in this time-lapse video.
Sometimes public works projects call for smaller, specialized structures. Here, too, Legacy buildings can provide an optimal solution. For example, if you need a water treatment plant to house processes and operations that provide drinking water, our tension fabric buildings are generally more economical than traditional brick-and-mortar construction. Additionally, they are installed more rapidly yet meticulously crafted and engineered with the same rigorous standards as traditional construction methods.
Added Benefits of Full Coverage
Most water treatment and disinfection facilities are insulated and climate-controlled. In traditional metal buildings, framing and indoor elements are exposed to a caustic environment. Legacy’s proprietary Epoxxishield epoxy coating provides a protective barrier for steel components. Depending on what the building is covering or enclosing, we can recommend the optimal type of finish and number of coats.
Our ExxoTecTM fabric provides further protection because it is inert to corrosion. We use this same fabric for both exterior cladding and interior lining on insulated buildings, which creates a barrier between the steel framing and interior conditions. Think of it as a vapor barrier on steroids, which can greatly reduce maintenance costs. Fully enclosed buildings are highly practical in corrosive and abrasive interior environments, and they help keep odors from spreading outdoors.
Athletic Facilities
Sports and recreation centers have very different features and uses than structures designed for municipal operations like water treatment or composting. We always use application-appropriate materials, so here, too, understanding the specific needs and priorities is always the first step.
Legacy Tension Fabric buildings offer the same expanded benefits for sports and maintenance facilities as they do for wastewater or other structures, particularly when insulation is a priority. These buildings feature a unique seamless exterior and liner assembly, boasting zero penetrations except for those dedicated to attaching essential elements like mechanical roof systems. This innovative design creates a tighter envelope, effectively preventing moisture, air, and odor from entering or escaping the building. This translates to superior energy efficiency, leading to lower operating costs and a more comfortable environment for occupants.
The entire building is designed to provide more efficient operation over time. Mechanical equipment and other indoor elements can perform better and last longer because they are better protected. That saves money and extends the overall return on investment. If you have a 30,000-square-foot structure that is 40-60 feet tall, that’s a lot of cubic air. Maintaining indoor comfort and air quality uses a lot of energy, so even a little more efficiency can make a big difference.
A Smoother Process, End to End
The entire Legacy team brings years of state and municipal building experience to every new project. Because we understand the public works process, we can help ensure things go right from the start. You can greatly reduce trip-ups such as change orders that can stall the process and raise costs and instead look forward to a smoother, speedier, more budget-friendly outcome.
Our collaborative approach makes it easy for us to include municipal engineering staff and also other third-party project participants such as architects. We can also coordinate with your designated general contractor, although with our comprehensive design-build/install approach, most customers find they don’t need to hire additional personnel.
The bottom line for municipal engineering is that every detail counts. You may not be thinking about aesthetics when designing a salt storage or water treatment facility, but superior fit and finish make the building perform better. A great-looking tension fabric building reflects well on the community and boosts public pride.
For now, even if you’re just starting to consider a future building project, it’s never too early to talk. We can give you a high-end figure to plan your capital budget, so you’ll be one step closer to success when it’s time to move forward.
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